
Without doubt we are extremely proud of all our students, their hard work and their achievements. Here’s some great news stories to let you know about standout performances, great charity work, what our students got up to on a trip or what great events are coming up. We hope you enjoy reading them.

Bad Weather Procedure

Bad Weather Procedure

Here's a reminder, that if bad weather impacts our ability to open the school, we will do one of three things: A short delay opening (1 lesson) A longer delay opening (2 lessons) Shut...

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Blue jumper, hoodie or trainers?

Blue jumper, hoodie or trainers?

We take bullying seriously and at key points throughout the year raise awareness of this issue and campaign against it. As part of the National Anti-Bullying Week (this week) and to...

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Get Lost in a Lockdown Book

Get Lost in a Lockdown Book

Living in lockdown isn't easy, but books can provide a wonderful way to escape into different worlds and experiences. The English Department and Dr Bell have put together a list of...

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Year 7 Art Exhibition

Year 7 Art Exhibition

We've been blown away by the effort and quality of students’ artwork during the last few months and particularly the Year 7 students, there have been some real highlights. Here’s a...

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KS3 and KS4 Summer Recommended Reads

KS3 and KS4 Summer Recommended Reads

Our English Department is keen to emphasise their commitment to reading and to encourage our students to love it as much as they do! We want parents and carers to engage in literacy at...

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Litflix Bulletin Our Bumper Edition

Litflix Bulletin Our Bumper Edition

For the last few weeks our English Department has very kindly shared their weekly edition of Litflix.  It's been filled with some amazing recommendations to support our KS4 and KS5...

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Looking After Your Mental Health

Looking After Your Mental Health

Looking after our mental health and wellbeing through the current lockdown has been a challenge for nearly everyone. Change brings new emotions…. At some point we have all had down...

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School Expansion Update

School Expansion Update

We wanted to let you know that we are still working on the plan to expand our school. Work is continuing in the background and we will add more detail to this page as and when we can...

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