
Chair of Trustee Board: Rosemary Edwards
Vice Chair of Trustee Board: Tom La Dell

The Governance Structure at Horsforth School is made up of 7 seven members and 11 Trustees.


Trustee Declaration of Interests

Trustee Attendance at Meetings

Trustee Diversity Data

Members Declarations of Interest(s)

View Governance Documents

Members & Trustees

As charitable companies limited by guarantee every trust has Members who have a similar role to the shareholders in a company limited by shares.

The Trustees are both charity trustees and company directors and they manage the business of the academy trust and may exercise all the powers of the academy trust.

The Members meet a minimum of 2 times throughout the year. The Trustee Board meets a minimum of six times throughout the year.

Govenance Members Chart

The Core Functions of the Trustee Board are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
Horsforth School Head Teacher

The Members:

  • are signatories to the articles of association which includes definition of the trusts’ charitable object and governance structure (where they are founding Members);
  • may, by special resolution, amend the articles of association, subject to any restrictions created by the trust’s funding agreement or charity law;
  • may, by special resolution (which requires 75% rather than a simple majority of Members to agree) appoint new Members or remove existing Members other than, where there is one, the foundation/ sponsor body and any Members it has appointed;
  • have power to appoint Trustees as set out in the trust’s articles of association, and have power under the Companies Act to remove any or all serving Trustees;
  • may by special resolution issue direction to the Trustees to take a specific action;
  • appoint the Trust’s auditors and receive the trust’s annual audited accounts; and
  • have power to change the name of the charitable company and ultimately, wind up the academy trust.

Key Elements of our Governance

Effective governance in our Academy Trust is supported by the following:

  • Trust Members – the guardians of the constitution, the right to appoint and remove Trustees, the equivalent of shareholders in a company.
  • Trust Board – the Directors / Trustees:
    • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the Trust.
    • Supports and holds the Leadership of the school to account for educational performance.
    • Approves the budget and has oversight of all strategic decision and direction.
    • Responsible for appointing the Headteacher.
  • Audit, Risk and Finance Committee:
    • Assist the Trust Board in meeting its responsibilities for financial reporting, internal and external auditing.
    • Recommend Appointment of Auditors to the Members.
    • Agree a schedule of audit.
    • Ensures adequate risk management processes are in place
    • Ensure rigor and scrutiny in budget management.

Expansion Committee (Ad hoc committee):

  • To oversee and facilitate all components of the Horsforth School expansion project.

If you are interested in becoming a Horsforth School Trustee please contact Tracy Hartley, Clerk to the Trustee Board at

Names, Terms of Office and Declarations of Interest(s)

Trustee Name
and Term of Office
Appointed By Declaration of Interests
Paul Bell (Headteacher)
Keith Bothamley
Members Member of Moorlands Learning Trust
Ian Dixon
Parent Trustee (Election process) Director of Brightpath UK (dormant company)
Rosemary Edwards (Chair)
Members None
Tessa Freer
Members Manager of Horsforth Children’s Service. Horsforth School commissions part of the funding towards Horsforth Children’s Service.
Mr Martin Hicks
03.10.22 – 03.10.26

Parent Trustee (Election process)

Mr Tom La Dell
Members Employed by Anderson Anderson & Brown Wealth Ltd. Director at Hentons Wealth Ltd.
Samantha Lightfoot
Resigned June 2022
Parent Trustee (Election process) None
Shaun Riordan
Members Employee of IFS.  Director of West End Night Owls
Damon Shaw
Members Head of Commercial Enterprises, Leeds Trinity University
Helen Shearer
20.09.20- 21.09.24
Members None
Ruth Stokes
Resigned January 2022
Staff Trustee (Election process) Membership of NASUWT
Steve Wood
Members None


Attendance at Meetings, Lead Roles and Committee Membership

Trustee Name and Term of Office Lead Roles/Committees Governance in other Institutions 2022-2023 Attendance
Trust Board Meetings
Audit Committee
Expansion Committee
Paul Bell (Headteacher)
N/A 6 of 6 3 of 3
(in attendance)
0 of 0
Keith Bothamley
N/A 5 of 6 N/A 0 of 0
Ian Dixon (Parent Trustee)
  • Health & Safety Lead
  • Science Lead
N/A 6 of 6 N/A N/A
Rosemary Edwards (Chair)
  • Chair
  • Audit Committee
N/A 6 of 6 3 of 3  N/A
Tessa Freer
Maternity Leave from 01.04.22-
  • Safeguarding & Child Protection
  • Inclusion
  • Children Looked After
  • SEND
N/A 1 of 2 N/A  N/A
Mr Martin Hicks
5 of 6 N/A N/A N/A
Mr Tom La Dell
  • Vice Chair
  • Finance Lead
  • Audit Committee (Chair)
N/A 3 of 6 3 of 3  N/A
Shaun Riordan
  • IT
  • English Lead
N/A 5 of 6 N/A  0 of 0
Damon Shaw
  • Audit Committee
N/A 3 of 4 N/A N/A
Helen Shearer
20.09.20- 20.09.24
  • Trustee Training and Development
  • Pupil Premium
N/A 5 of 6 3 of 3  N/A
Steve Wood
  • Audit Committee
  • Expansion Committee
  • Maths Lead
N/A 6 of 6 3 of 3  0 of 0

Trustee Diversity Data

J010224 Trustees Diversity Data Charts 01 1, Horsforth School and Sixth Form
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J010224 Trustees Diversity Data Charts 11, Horsforth School and Sixth Form
J010224 Trustees Diversity Data Charts 12, Horsforth School and Sixth Form

Members Declarations of Interest(s)


Name Interests
Ray Agar
(Resigned December 2023)
Jamie Bentley
  • CEO and Director of Stephenson Group
  • Trustee of Hunslet Club

Colin Booth 

  • CEO Luminate Education Group
  • Director of Leeds Conservatoire
  • Company Member and Director of White Rose Academies Trust
  • Director of West Yorkshire Consortium of Colleges
Rosemary Edwards None

Paul Higgins
(Resigned December 2022)

  • Employee at Screen Yorkshire Ltd
  • Proprietor and Director of Higgins Harvey Ltd
  • Member of ICAEW
Martin Hughes
  • Employee and Director of Catrake Ltd and Semi-Retired
  • Director of Currack Ltd
  • Chair and Trustee of Horsforth Civic Society
  • Trustee of Horsforth Village Historical Society
  • Governor and Chair of Governors at Westbrook Lane Primary School
Jenny Share
  • Employee at Ampleforth Abbey
  • Trustee of Unipol Student Homes