Information Technology (Cambridge Technical)


What Will I Study?

How Will I be Assessed?

What Next?

Why Study Information Technology (Cambridge Technical)?

Suggested Reading

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Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Introductory Diploma - Emerging Digital Technology Practitioner Specialist Pathway

Examination Board



What Do I Need To Study This Course?

Level 5 or above in English Language and Maths.

Please note – if you are opting to study Information Technology and not opting to study A Level Mathematics then we recommend taking Level 3 Core Maths as your 4th option, rather than an EPQ or directed study.

What Will I Study?

Unit 1 – The IT solutions that businesses use in the modern world are made up of many different component parts. These parts can include PCs, PCs that are linked together to form a network, devices and wearable technologies that are attached to the PC or the network via the cloud and the internet.

Unit 2 – The purpose of this unit is to demonstrate the uses of information in the public domain, globally, in the cloud and across the internet by individuals and organisations. This unit will provide students with a greater understanding of how organisations use information sources both internally and externally and the types of information they will encounter and provide an organisation with a competitive edge.

Unit 5 – You will learn about both technologies and how they are used. You will research both technologies and design both a virtual and an augmented reality resource. Finally, you will use your research and skills learnt whilst designing and creating resources to suggest future applications for virtual and augmented reality.

Unit 8 – This unit will provide you with the opportunity to understand and use various project planning skills and techniques, thereby enabling you to become more effective in the workplace.  Project management skills are essential transferrable skills that can be used for all IT related projects whether it’s traditional methodologies or more recently adapted agile approaches within the IT development environment.  Regardless of your job role, you will often be called upon to participate in projects for a variety of reasons.  This unit will assist you in developing your skills, knowledge and understanding of different project methodologies and the key factors that can influence the success or failure of a project.

Unit 17 – How much do you know about how the internet is affecting people and society? This unit of work is designed to enlighten your awareness and provides you with the opportunity to pitch your own ideas on your own idea.



Unit 1 (Fundamentals of IT) –
Unit 2 (Global Information) –
Unit 5: (Virtual and augmented reality) –
Unit 8: (Project management) –
Unit 17 (Internet of Everything) –

How Will I Be Assessed?

Candidates will sit two exams during the course, one in Year 12 and one in Year 13.
Unit 1 (core unit) – Fundamentals of IT – 1hr 30 minutes, 80 marks, with the potential of a re-take
Unit 2 (core unit) – Global Information – 1hr 30 minutes, 80 marks, with the potential of a re-take
Units 5 (core unit), 8 and 17 are all optional units of coursework and are assessed internally, subject to external moderation.

If you prefer a hands-on approach then this is a course which should be seriously considered.

What Next?

This course will help prepare you for industry qualifications such as Cisco IoE, Cisco IT Essential and VM Ware, as well as a range of job roles requiring the development of applications within mobile technology, business software, graphics, games and web design/creating and prototyping.

Suggested Reading List

Cambridge Technicals Level 3 IT – Victoria Ellis, Graham Manson, Saundra Middleton, Maureen Everett

Why Study Information Technology (Cambridge Technical)?