A Director’s Chat

A Director’s Chat

Just before the Easter break our Drama students had the opportunity to watch A Monster Calls at the Carriageworks Theatre in Leeds. It was the opening night of the show and the first time this powerful play had been performed in Leeds. Not only that, but the amazing...
How to Choose Your A Levels

How to Choose Your A Levels

Throughout your time at school you will have studied a wide variety of subjects. When it comes to A Levels the decision of what to study can be much harder. The leap from GCSE to A Levels is a big one, there are lots of subjects to choose from, but the number of...
Everything You Need to Know About A Levels

Everything You Need to Know About A Levels

So, you’ve collected your GCSE results on a sunny day in August, what next? We imagine that during Year 11 you’ve been given lots of information about what you can do after results day. And one of those things is study A Levels. What is an A Level? An A Level is an...
A Trip to Auschwitz

A Trip to Auschwitz

Last week six of our students visited Auschwitz on a day trip organised through the Holocaust Educational Trust. A mammoth 18 hours on the go from 4am in the morning, until they were picked up back outside the airport at around 10.30pm is a monumental effort under any...
Preparing for Life After Sixth Form

Preparing for Life After Sixth Form

As we progress through the year, our students are still hearing from guest speakers and being given lots of useful information for life after Sixth Form . During their recent PSHCE lessons students have listened to talks from both NatWest and Jet2. Andy and Rachael...