We set off for Versailles early on Sunday morning and arrived in the evening for a welcoming meal with our French families. The next morning after some French lessons, we went to a cookery workshop to make salted caramel macarons. In the afternoon we went to the France Miniature Park and thoroughly enjoyed the model trains and landmarks which we would see in full size in Paris the day after. We packed in a lot of Parisian sightseeing including a breathtaking view of the whole of Paris from the 59th floor of the Montparnasse Tower, amongst other things.

On day three we did some more lessons in the garden and visited the Chateau de Versailles which was very impressive. We then took a short coach ride to Parly 2, the largest shopping centre in Europe. We spent day four at Disneyland Paris which was all we expected it to be. We then returned home after an unforgettable trip.

John-Paul, Max, Amy and Jack
Year 12