Curriculum Aim and Intent

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At Horsforth School we firmly believe in “Opportunity and achievement for all.” 

“Opportunity and achievement for all” epitomises everything we offer as we regard our curriculum as the totality of a student’s experience at Horsforth; our range of subjects, programmes of study, pedagogy, assessments, opportunities, clubs, trips, mentoring, pastoral support and enrichment.

You can find out about all the clubs, trips and after school activities on offer for our students in each year group here:
Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11.

Our curriculum is inclusive and aims to equip all students with confidence, resilience, competence and skills that allow them to succeed in a rapidly changing society. We value a holistic approach to educating the whole person with a focus on spiritual, moral, social and cultural education (SMSC). Our curriculum offers a breadth of opportunities and experience in conjunction with high quality pastoral care leading to personal and character development. It aims to ensure all students are included and supported to reach their potential.

We aim for all students to achieve excellent outcomes and this is not simply exam results but where students get to as a result of their experience at Horsforth School. We aim to ensure they are prepared for their future steps in education, employment and training and beyond. We want all students to enjoy their learning and achieve their own personal success, now and in the future. At Horsforth we have a clear responsibility to prepare students for the rest of their lives.

As a result we offer a curriculum that is broad, balanced and flexible as we accept that we are preparing students for jobs that do not yet exist using technologies that haven’t yet been invented. We respond promptly to the early identified needs of students either through support, opportunities or curriculum offer. We adapt our wider provision taking into account parental views; local, national and international labour markets; student and cohort need; the political landscape; the policy context and the current qualifications framework.

In partnership with key stakeholders including  employers, further education providers, Trustees, teachers, parents, students and school leaders our curriculum informs and shapes the journey of a Horsforth Learner.

Our aspiration is truly to provide “Opportunity and achievement for all.”